Stormshopping Professional Garden Grafting Pruning Pruner Shear Cutting Tools Kit with Grafting Tape for Plant Fruit Tree by
Stormshopping Professional Garden Grafting Pruning Pruner Shear Cutting Tools Kit with Grafting Tape for Plant Fruit Tree by

Stormshopping Professional Garden Grafting Pruning Pruner Shear Cutting Tools Kit with Grafting Tape for Plant Fruit Tree by

Price: 6,500.00 - 6,500.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

যোগাযোগ করুন

সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য MOTIJHEEL Dhaka Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

Stormshopping Professional Garden Grafting Pruning Pruner Shear Cutting Tools Kit with Grafting Tape for Plant Fruit Tree by

Professional Garden Grafting Tools: 

This set of pruner kits include including 2 in 1 grafting pruning tools,

3 replaceable blades, a screwdriver, a wrench.


3 replaceable graft cutting blades (Ω-Cut & U-Cut & V-Cut)

For cutting grafting plant branches between 5 mm to 12 mm.

Precise and perfect cutting perfectly for maximum cambium contact, greatly improves survival rate.



High-quality Material:

The versatile grafting tool made of high-carbon steel sharp shear blades trim away excess leaves

And twigs fast and quick with ease and spring with high-strength ABS plastic ergonomic handle,

Comfortable and non-slip.


Easy to use:

Easy to change the blade, with a screwdriver and wrench to remove the screw,

Take out the blade.

Then install a new blade into the pruning tools.


Multi-purpose tools: 

The grafting tools pruner kit includes a pruner and grafting guillotine blade.

Can cut shear the leaves, also can help you to graft the fruit tree and flower plant.

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