500ml Oil Can With Flexible Applicator Yato Brand YT-06914
500ml Oil Can With Flexible Applicator Yato Brand YT-06914

500ml Oil Can With Flexible Applicator Yato Brand YT-06914

Price: 543.00 - 543.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

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Product details

500ml Oil Can With Flexible Applicator Yato Brand YT-06914

A professional oiler is an indispensable tool in every automotive workshop. 500 ml tank made of steel covered with a high-quality protective coating. Flexible applicator enables work in hard to reach spaces. The applicator can be bent up to 45 degrees. The metal nozzle forms a strong and precise oil flow.


Symbol YT-06914

EAN 5906083069147

Brand Yato

weight (kg) 0.2000

Master Carton MC 80

Inner Box IB 10

Capacity [ml] 500

Size: 500ml

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