1250W 32mm 3 Mode 3.5J L Shape SDS-Plus Rotary Hammer Drill Machine Stanley Brand STHR323K-B5
1250W 32mm 3 Mode 3.5J L Shape SDS-Plus Rotary Hammer Drill Machine Stanley Brand STHR323K-B5

1250W 32mm 3 Mode 3.5J L Shape SDS-Plus Rotary Hammer Drill Machine Stanley Brand STHR323K-B5

Price: 29,600.00 - 29,600.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

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Product details

1250W 32mm 3 Mode 3.5J L Shape SDS-Plus Rotary Hammer Drill Machine Stanley Brand STHR323K-B5

Ideal for drilling anchor and fixing holes into concrete and masonry up to 32mm in diameter

3 Modes: Rotary drilling, hammer drilling and chiseling mode for all job-site applications

Safety clutch eliminates sudden high torque reaction

The bit jam Electronic variable speed for total control in any application

Ergonomic rubber grip handle for improved comfort in long duration usage

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