18V 2.0Ah Brushless Cordless Drill Machine Yato Brand YT-82794
18V 2.0Ah Brushless Cordless Drill Machine Yato Brand YT-82794

18V 2.0Ah Brushless Cordless Drill Machine Yato Brand YT-82794

Price: 28,275.00 - 28,275.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

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malamal.xyz MOTIJHEEL Dhaka Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

18V 2.0Ah Brushless Cordless Drill Machine Yato Brand YT-82794
Voltage (V) : 18 V
Engine type : brushless motor
Battery capacity : 2 Ah
Hard Torque : 42 Nm
Battery type : Li-Ion
Maximum rotational speed – 1st gear : 600 RPM
Maximum rotational speed – gear II : 2000 RPM
Additional information : transport case included
Product code : YT-82794
The most powerful brushless drill driver in the offer . Drills into hard metal in no time . High torque and high speed. The short tool housing facilitates firm pressure on the material and perpendicular drilling. The rigid housing made of glass-fiber reinforced polyamide is resistant to damage. The metal gear housing supports the screwdriver shaft bearing. The handle has a jaw opening width of 13mm.

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