500W 16000rpm Drywall Screwdriver Yato Brand YT-82070
500W 16000rpm Drywall Screwdriver Yato Brand YT-82070

500W 16000rpm Drywall Screwdriver Yato Brand YT-82070

Price: 6,525.00 - 6,525.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

যোগাযোগ করুন

সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

malamal.xyz MOTIJHEEL Dhaka Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

500W 16000rpm Drywall Screwdriver Yato Brand YT-82070
  • Mains Voltage is 230V. Mains Frequency is 50Hz.Nominal Power is 500W. Chuck is 6.3mm
  • Nominal Rotation is 0 – 1600. Maximum diameter of the bolt thread is 6mm. Maximum Torque is 15Nm
  • 500 W electric screwdriver for fixing plasterboards. It has an elastic cord in a rubber cover, a dust-tight switch with smooth speed control.
  • The metal gear cover ensures greater durability of the device, and the precise clutch prevents damage to the screwed element
  • The device also has a practical clip that allows you to attach the tool to the assembly belt

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