LH-1000 Oil-Free Air Compressor unit-Three
LH-1000 Oil-Free Air Compressor unit-Three

LH-1000 Oil-Free Air Compressor unit-Three

Price: 32,500 - 32,500
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Product details

LH-1000 Oil-Free Air Compressor unit-Three

LH-1000 Oil-Free Air Compressor unit-Three

Model Number LH-1000
Brand Name Lovage Medical
Place of Origin Guangdong, China
Condition New
Configuration Portable
Power Source AC Power
Lubrication Style Oil-free
Voltage 220V
Voltage 220V/110V
Ampere 0.208333333
Power 1100 W
Frequency  50 Hz/60Hz
Exhaust rate 114 L/min
Rated Exhaust pressure 0.8 Mpa
Noise 65-70 dB
Bottle dimension 30 L
Dimension(L*W*H) 850mm*440mm*750mm
Weight 65KG/60KG
Mute Yes
Warranty1 Year

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