Elbow Crutch Adjustable Walking Stick-Tynor
Elbow Crutch Adjustable Walking Stick-Tynor

Elbow Crutch Adjustable Walking Stick-Tynor

Price: 960.00 - 960.00
Minimum Order: 1

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সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Health Mate BD MIRPUR Dhaka Bangladesh 1 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

Elbow Crutch Adjustable Walking Stick-Tynor

Elbow Crutch Adjustable Walking Stick

  • Code: L 13
  • Sizes Available: Universal
  • Tynor Elbow Crutch is a very sophisticated walking aid designed to provide full weight bearing when one or both legs are physically challenged because of a nervous disorder, fracture, disease, injury etc. More and more professionals prefer usage of elbow crutch over the conventional Axillary crutch because of greater confidence of the patient, lesser fatigue and trendy appearance.
  • High load bearing
  • Pleasing aesthetics
  • Additional features & Functionality
  • Extremely comfortable
  • Ergonomic Design

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