MDF Febris Non-Contact Infrared Digital Thermometer
MDF Febris Non-Contact Infrared Digital Thermometer

MDF Febris Non-Contact Infrared Digital Thermometer

Price: 5,700 - 5,700
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01999013101

Whats App: 01999013101
যোগাযোগ করুন

সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Health Mate BD MIRPUR Dhaka Bangladesh 1 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

MDF Febris Non-Contact Infrared Digital Thermometer
Temperature measurement does not need to be intrusive and upsetting to patients. With the Febris® Touch-Free Technology, simply point towards the forehead and you’ll get an instant and accurate reading. So say goodbye to the old fashioned methods (rectal, oral, ear, and axillary) that can often be inaccurate and distressing to feverish patients, especially fussy babies. The easy-to-use design also stores up to 10 prior measurements with averages so you can track your temperature readings over time. With Touch-Free Technology there is no contact with the patient, so it is perfectly hygienic and eliminates cross-contamination. And since there is no need for probe covers, there is no more waste, so it’s better for our environment.

Batteries: 2AAA (included)


 Coded from Scratch: Febris® software was programmed specifically for the hardware we’ve selected to perform to the benchmarks we set when we designed the Febris®. Because it accommodates each of the hardware requirements, it enables a seamless integration of all the parts to ensure greater accuracy.


 Each of the hardware components has been hand-selected from the best of breed to perform to the benchmarks we established when we set out to build the Febris®. We made sure the software program was customized and designed specifically for each component so it would synergistically yield the performance we expected.


 The bold design of the Febris® features one-second measurement that allows you to quickly and easily check temperature in the comfort of your own home.


 Illuminated, backlit Display is easy to read in low-light conditions. Features a fever indicator to quickly identify high measurements. Can also be used for objects and liquids, and switches easily between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Distance Sensor

Confirm accurate measurements and eliminate guesswork with the built-in distance sensor.

World Class

MDF Instruments uses latex-free materials and upholds European REACH phthalate standard. Our products are manufactured to international standards, including the directives of ISO, EN, CE and MC.

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