HEM712 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Omron JPN500
HEM712 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Omron JPN500

HEM712 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Omron JPN500

Price: 5,600 - 5,600
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Product details

HEM712 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Omron JPN500
Omron JPN500 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor HEM712

Model# JPN500

Providing accurate and comfortable upper arm blood pressure measurement

 Hypertension Indicator

Heartbeat symbol blinks if your systolic or diastolic pressure is outside the standard range (above 135 systolic/85 diastolic mmHg).

 Irregular Heartbeat Detection (Please consult a healthcare professional)

An irregular heartbeat is a heartbeat rhythm that varies by more than 25% from the average heartbeat rhythm detected while the unit is measuring blood pressure.

1. If such an irregular rhythm is detected more than twice during measurement, the irregular heartbeat symbol appears on the display with the measurement result.

2. If the irregular heartbeats cause the measurement to be invalid, no result is shown.

3. If the irregular heartbeat symbol is shown after you have taken a measurement, repeat the measurement.

 Cuff wrapping Guide lamp

Guides user to the right cuff wrap by indicating “OK” to ensure an accurate and reliable blood pressure measurement

 Body Movement Detection

Prompts user to retake measurement when an error is detected due to body movement

 60 memory storage with date and time

 Intellisese Technology

  • Fully automatic
  • Personalised inflation level, no pain and discomfort
  • Quick deflation release valve for speedy measurement
  • Clear & large LCD display for easy reading
  • User friendly operation with large button

What is Intellisense?

ntellisense Blood Pressure Monitors – Bio-information sensing technology for Accuracy, Comfort and Ease of use.

The IntelliSense™ Monitor inflates the cuff to the ideal level with each use. No adjustments are required by the user to select an inflation level. This is especially convenient for hypertensive users and for people with certain arrhythmia or heart disorders, because their blood pressure is likely to fluctuate. The advantage is Personalized Inflation for maximum comfort.

Optional Accessories

Wide Range Soft Cuff HEM-RML31

Arm Circumference of 22 – 42 cm

S-Size Soft Cuff HEM-CS24

Arm Circumference of 17 – 22 cm

L-Size Soft Cuff HEM-CL24

Arm Circumference of 32 – 42 cm

Technical Information

Product Description: Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor

Model: JPN500

Display: LCD Digital Display

Measurement Method: Oscillometric method

Measurement Range: Pressure: 0 to 299 mmHg; Pulse: 40 to 180 beats/ min.

Accuracy: Pressure: ±3 mmHg; Pulse: ±5% of display reading

Inflation: Fuzzy-logic controlled by electric pump

Deflation: Automatic pressure release valve

Memory: 60 measurements

IP classification: IP 20

Rating: DC6V 4W

Power Source: 4 “AA” batteries 1.5V; or AC adapter (optional, INPUT AC100-240V 50/60Hz 0.12A)

Battery Life: Approx. 1000 measurements (using new alkaline batteries)

Durable Period: Main Unit: 5 years; Cuff: 1 year (when used 6 times a day)

Applied Part: Type BF

Protection Against: Internally powered ME equipment (When using only the batteries)

Electric Shock: Class II ME equipment (Optional AC adapter)

Operating temperature: +10 to +40°C / 30 to 85% RH / 700 to 1060 hPa

(Humidity/ Air Pressure)

Storage temperature: -20 to +60°C / 10 to 95% RH / 700 to 1060 hPa

(Humidity/ Air pressure)

Console Weight: Approx. 250g without batteries

Cuff Weight: Approx. 130g

Outer Dimensions: Approx. 103 (w) mm × 80 (h) mm × 129(l) mm

Cuff Dimensions: Approx. 145 mm × 466 mm (Cuff: arm circumference 22 to 32 cm)

Cuff/ Tube Material: Nylon, polyester, polyvinyl chloride

Package Content

(1) JPN500 BP Monitor (2) Arm Cuff (3) Battery Set (4) Instruction Manual (5) Omron Warranty/ EMC Information

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