Microsoft Surface Pro 4 i7 256GB, Xiaomi Mi Air Notebook Pro, Gigabyte Aorus 17G XC Laptops
Microsoft Surface Pro 4 i7 256GB, Xiaomi Mi Air Notebook Pro, Gigabyte Aorus 17G XC Laptops

Microsoft Surface Pro 4 i7 256GB, Xiaomi Mi Air Notebook Pro, Gigabyte Aorus 17G XC Laptops

Price: 500 - 550
Minimum Order: 50
Delivery Time: 5-7 Business Days
Brand: Nvidia Geforce Gaming Laptops
Model Number: Laptops
Factory production ability 1000

Mobile Number: 8452716255

Whats App: 8452716255
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Product details

Microsoft Surface Pro 4 i7 256GB, Xiaomi Mi Air Notebook Pro, Gigabyte Aorus 17G XC Laptops

Condition of the goods:

You will receive full transparency on the individual products, their condition, product prices and informative photos. The goods are in good condition and are visually inspected and classified in category A, B and C.

Minimum purchase:

Individual trucks will be made up for you. The price quoted is a truck average price, therefore the price will vary depending on your selection.

Household goods: Consumer Electronics: Computer Appliances: Electric Electrical

Cameras, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Drones, Graphics Cards, Motherboards, Video Games, Antminers, Dishwasher, freezer, cookers, fridge/freezer, oven, dryer, washing machine.

Top Brands:

Apple,Sony,Panasonic,Heir Thermocool,MSI,Gigabyte,AMD,AEG, Bosch, Bauknecht, LG, Neff, Samsung, Siemens.


After making an appointment, you are welcome to visit our warehouse in Nuremberg at any time and convince yourself of our high quality.


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